On the internet, content is king. Creating content will always be an excellent way to improve your internet marketing success. In particular, articles are good means of attracting more targeted visitors to your site - visitors that are more homogenous in their characteristics and interests. This makes article writing an important tool for internet list building.
1. Start by writing an article that caters to your ideal market. Prepare a 250 to 1000 word article on a subject relevant to the marketplace for what you are trying to sell. Ideally, articles should offer useful content or perspective to your prospective buyer.
2. Make sure you add a linked biography. At the end of your articles, include a short biography - make sure you include a link to your website or sales page. While the goal of your article writing is to acquire list addresses, having the link will likely boost your web site traffic too.
Any examples
3. Offer the article as a 'premium' - a free bonus -- to your web site visitors if they sign up for your list. This is the key dynamic - only visitors that have an interest in the subject matter of your article are likely to respond. In other words, only qualified, targeted people will go after that article.
4. Alternatively, submit the article to various article distribution services. They will distribute the article across the web to appropriately categorized sites. If you use this approach, however, make sure that your biography contains a link to a page that will solicit their email address to receive other such articles directly.
The key is to create articles that will appeal to your ideal target. If you have such an article it will yield a very high-quality list for subsequent marketing efforts.