How do we as Christians set success? The global chooses a stuff account - cipher of cars, massiveness of house, etc. What is the plumb-line by which we measuring not with the sole purpose a life span of success, but besides each day success? If we set the content of one day upright up to that time the God of the existence and sharp-eared Him say, "Well done, m moral and true servant," how do we accomplish that goal?
Thankfully God does not confer on this as a poser. His Word evidently states the common of estimate for our souls: "He has told you, O man, what is appropriate and what Lord requires of you: but to do justice, to emotion mercy, and to waddle modestly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
At the end of the day, I can facade put money on and cheque my day resistant this line. Was I only just today? When I was fixed too some renovation at the store, did I flood back it? Did I run the accumulation flimsy when I should have stopped? Did I phone up sin "sin" today, or assert that "little achromatic lie"?
Did I admire mercy? When the man at religious died, did I tender relief to the family? When the operator cut me off at the light, was I touchy and smoldering or was I merciful? When my comrade asked for forgiveness, did I eagerly supply it?
Who was my God today? Did I pass more clip in forefront of the TV than next to my God? Did I pace next to Him? Or did I lately publication His word? Have I conversed next to Him today? Was I humble? Or did I step into God's attendance beside my chronicle of wants? Did I seek His hunch or mine?